A set of instructions that tell a computer what to do.
· We use programs to interact or talk with computers.
· To write programs we use programming language.
· Developing a program is a circular process.
· The process is known as the Program
Development Life Cycle and it has four key steps that repeat themselves:
1. Analyze
the program
2. Design a program to solve the
language2. Design a program to solve the
3. Code the program
3. Code the program
4. Test
the program
· It is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a software program.
· Programs are written in a language that a
computer can understand, which is a programming language, to be able to interact
with a computer.
Machine language
· Uses binary language that is Zero and Ones (0/1).
· If you want to add two numbers 2 & 3 and get the results : 1101101010011010.
· Machine dependent, so it differs among different types of machine.o It is very hard to use.
· Every instruction should be written in machine language before it can be executed.
o All instructions written in other programming languages must be translated
to machine code instructions (This applies to all
other programming language).
· It was developed to make programming easier
· Machine dependent
· In this language keywords were introduced like add, sub, ……….so program was little
bit easier.
· To add 2 & 3 and get the result: add 2, 3, result (this can not be executed, it just a
way of writing in assembly language).
· A program called ‘assembler’ translates assembly code to machine code.
Add 2, 3, result-->Assembler-->1101101010011010
A new generation of programming languages.
· Uses english words, easy to learn and use.
· Machine independent, your program will run on different machines.
· Instructions are called ‘statements’.
· A program written in a high-level language is called a ‘source code’ or ‘source
· To add 2 & 3 and get the result: result = 2+3;
· Every instruction or every statement should end with a semi colon.
· A
‘compiler’ or an ‘interpreter’ is used to translate source code to machine
A compiler is a computer program that translates
computer code written in one programming language into another language.
The name “compiler” is primarily used for
programs that translates source code from high-level programming language to
lower level programming language to create an executable program.
It is a computer program that converts high-level program statement into assembly level language. It is designed to read the input source program and then translate the source program instruction by instruction.
· Contains predefined java code that we can use to develop java Program.
So, we basically have some java codes that is already written and it is ready for us to
use. This will make faster and easier
development process, no need to write everything from scratch.
Programmers can use
it for
1. Graphics
2. User
3. Networking
4. Sound
5. Database
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